Bachelor of Science Public Health 3rd Yr 1st Semester A1
   Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
BSPH315#40 Health Mapping & GIS #40
SVT_CO_LAB Silverest Computer Lab
H038 Ms Francisca Kawamya
BSPH311#40. Occupational Health & Ergonomics #40
SVT11_NB#192 Silverest Lecture Room 11 NEW BLOCK#192
H033 Ms Musonda Mubanga
BSPH313#35 Mental Health #
SVT002_MB#117 Silverest Lecture Room 2 MAIN BLOCK#117
H016 Mr Friday Kasisi
BSPH314.#35 Community Health Nutrition #35
SVT03_NB#192 Silverest Lecture Room 03 NEW BLOCK#2192
H012 Dr.C.Kasase
BSPH311#40. Occupational Health & Ergonomics #40
SVT11_NB#192 Silverest Lecture Room 11 NEW BLOCK#192
H033 Ms Musonda Mubanga
BSPH312#35. Reproductive, Maternal & Child Health #35
SVT02_NB#192 Silverest Lecture Room 02 NEW BLOCK#192
H047 Mrs Anne Silondwa
BSPH314.#35 Community Health Nutrition #35
SVT03_NB#192 Silverest Lecture Room 03 NEW BLOCK#2192
H012 Dr.C.Kasase
BSPH313#35 Mental Health #
SVT002_MB#117 Silverest Lecture Room 2 MAIN BLOCK#117
H016 Mr Friday Kasisi
BSPH315#40 Health Mapping & GIS #40
SVT_CO_LAB Silverest Computer Lab
H038 Ms Francisca Kawamya
BSPH312#35 Reproductive, Maternal & Child Health #35
SVT_LTHT_MB#230 Silverest Lecture Theatre MAIN BLOCK Ground Floor#230
H047 Mrs Anne Silondwa
BSPH314.#35 Community Health Nutrition #35
SVT03_NB#192 Silverest Lecture Room 03 NEW BLOCK#2192
H012 Dr.C.Kasase
BSPH311#40 Occupational Health & Ergonomics #40
SVT004_MB#117 Silverest Lecture Room 04 MAIN BLOCK#117
H033 Ms Musonda Mubanga
BSPH312#35 Reproductive, Maternal & Child Health #35
SVT_LTHT_MB#230 Silverest Lecture Theatre MAIN BLOCK Ground Floor#230
H047 Mrs Anne Silondwa
BSPH315#40 Health Mapping & GIS #40
SVT_CO_LAB Silverest Computer Lab
H038 Ms Francisca Kawamya
BSPH312#35 Reproductive, Maternal & Child Health #35
SVT_LTHT_MB#230 Silverest Lecture Theatre MAIN BLOCK Ground Floor#230
H047 Mrs Anne Silondwa
BSPH315#40 Health Mapping & GIS #40
SVT_CO_LAB Silverest Computer Lab
H038 Ms Francisca Kawamya
BSPH313#35 Mental Health #
SVT002_MB#117 Silverest Lecture Room 2 MAIN BLOCK#117
H016 Mr Friday Kasisi
BSPH314.#35 Community Health Nutrition #35
SVT03_NB#192 Silverest Lecture Room 03 NEW BLOCK#2192
H012 Dr.C.Kasase
BSPH311#40. Occupational Health & Ergonomics #40
SVT11_NB#192 Silverest Lecture Room 11 NEW BLOCK#192
H033 Ms Musonda Mubanga
BSPH314.LAB Community Health Nutrition #30
HM056 Mr Anderson Lungu
SVT_BIO_LAB Silverest Biology Lab
Mimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling Software Mimosa Scheduling Software 7.1.9 20/11/2023 20:06
University of Lusaka